1·While Hubble pictures of celestial objects are awe-inspiring, they are flat 2-d photographs.
2·And humans have been aware of the existence of these celestial objects for at least a millennium.
3·But no matter where it is true, causes regression of celestial objects are and the quality of change.
4·That method involves searching for celestial objects, called "standard candles", whose intrinsic brightness is known.
5·The reflector telescope's mirror optics gather light from celestial objects and direct it to an array of cameras and spectrographs.
6·The two brightest celestial objects of the night sky - the moon and the planet Venus - put on a beautiful display in Wednesday's early morning sky.
7·The ability of a telescope to distinguish fine detail, or to see celestial objects that are close to each other as separate images, is called resolution.
8·We have special software to analyse these signals, because when you look at celestial objects through the equipment we have, you also pick up a lot of noise.
9·WISE, launched in 2009, snapped images of three-quarters of a billion stars, galaxies and other celestial objects, including the heat emissions of asteroids.
10·The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times.